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But they replied her Majesty, That the knowledg of
Nature, that is, Natural Philosophy, would be imperfect
without the Art of Logick, and that there was an
improbable Truth which could no otherwise be found
out then by the Art of disputing. Truly, said the
Emperess, I do believe that it is with Natural Philosophy,
as it is with all other effects of Nature; for no
particular knowledg can be perfect, by reason knowledg
is dividable, as well as composable; nay, to speak
properly, Nature her self cannot boast of any perfection,
but God himself; because there are so many irregular
motions in Nature, and 'tis but a folly to think that
Art should be able to regulate them, since Art it self is,
for the most part, irregular. But as for Improbable Truth,
I know not what your meaning is; for Truth is more
then Improbability; nay, there there is so much difference
between Truth and Improbability, that I cannot
conceive it possible how they can he joined together.
In short, said she, I do no ways approve of your
profession; and though I will not dissolve your society,
yet I shall never take delight in hearing you any more;
wherefore confine your disputations to your Schools,
lest besides the Commonwealth of Learning, they disturb
also Divinity and Policy, Religion and Laws, and
by that means draw an utter ruine and destruction both
upon Church and State.
And if any should like the world I have made,
and be willing to be my subjects, they may imagine themselves such, and they are such—I mean
in their minds, fancies or imaginations. But if they cannot endure to be subjects, they may
create worlds of their own and govern themselves as they please.
© 2024 by Sarah Reitmeier, except text from The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World, published 1666 by Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle.