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Lastly, her Imperial Majesty being desirous to know,
what progress her Logicians had made in the Art of
disputing, Commanded them to argue upon several
Themes or sujects; which they did; and having made a
very nice discourse of Logistical terms and propositions,
entered into a dispute by way of Syllogistical Arguments,
through all the Figures and Modes: One began
with an argment of the first mode of the first figure,
Every Politician is wise:
Every Knave is a Politician,
Therefore every Knave is wise.
And if any should like the world I have made,
and be willing to be my subjects, they may imagine themselves such, and they are such—I mean
in their minds, fancies or imaginations. But if they cannot endure to be subjects, they may
create worlds of their own and govern themselves as they please.
© 2025 by Sarah Reitmeier, except text from The Description of a New World, Called the Blazing World, published 1666 by Margaret Cavendish, Duchess of Newcastle.